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Full Version: S3E21 - The Inheritance
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(05-10-2014, 08:39 AM)Gretel Hanselsister Wrote: [ -> ]No, I didn't like this episode. It felt constructed to me, someone wanted to bring action and a lot of cliffhanger story lines. For any price.

Obviously, Trubel wasn't enogh. They had to bring another Grimm. Josh is no Grimm, not even a Kehrseite-Schlich-kennen, and this is hard to believe. His father kept telling him for years and he didn't even listen like a child would listen to fairytales? I guess he will turn into a Grimm in no time, like Nick became a Grimm as Aunt Marie died. Nick said to him "Josh, just 'cause you can't see them [Wesen] now, doesn't mean you won't some day". I really don't need another Grimm. Rolleyes

Trubel went with Josh to see his father, because she couldn't reach Nick on his mobile. What? Nick never walked a step without his mobile in three seasons (except when he was a zombie).

Why needs the Verrat a special section "Ahnenerbe" (ancestors inheritance) "tasked with finding anything involving rare objects the occult and the supernatural"? The Verrat went after Nick and his key some times before, they didn't need neither to be "Ahnenerbe" nor a special filigrane tattoo.
[Image: 321verratahnenerbe1fevh.jpg]

After the old Grimm's death they looked for the key in the trunk, pulled everything apart as if it was a bunch of rags. How would Nick react if someone was treating his trailer likewise?
Every spectator instantly knew the clue to the key was the cane, the dying man told them. But Nick and his friends needed what felt like ages to find out.

Yes, and then the second key and the map. Such a big disappointment for me.
[Image: 321key51iry.jpg]
I really hoped I can see something what helps to find the region in Germany where the treasure can be found Cool
But then: you can read words like "Wasserfall" (waterfall), "Burg" (castle), "Höhe" (height), [or is it "Höhle"(cave)?] you simply won't find this words on any map at all. Waterfalls, castles and heights have names. This map shows everything and nothing. On the right you find Rhö... what could mean Rhön, you can find the Rhön mountains some hundred kilometers north of the Black Forest.
I really liked the idea of the map, I saw more than there was in fact, it's not nice to feel stupid Dodgy

I don't know Gretel, I found the map to be rather interesting. I know a bit about topographic maps since I was a forward observer in the field artillery back in the day. (Stationed in Germany for 3 years by the way.) Looking at it, you see a stadia line (gives you distance scale) and an elaborate compass rose on the left hand side. The cross above the circle on the compass rose would indicate north or east. (On some medieval maps east is 'up'.) I think the word is 'hohle' (cave) since the symbol is between 2 hills not on them. And can that be 2 swastikas in the upper right and center left? Does this link to the coins? There were supposed to be 17 coins, of which 3 are known, is the 'hidden whatever' the other 14 coins?Dodgy If this is the Black Forest region then the stream is a significant tributary of the Rhine. But which way does it flow? If north is 'up' then the stream flows west into the Rhine, if east is 'up' then it flows northward to the Rhine. By the way, I think showing everything and nothing may very well be the idea.
**Definitely Spoiler Alert** (Although I'd assume anyone visiting the episode section had already watched the episode...)

I thought this was the best Grimm episode ever. It was sad to see that my sentiment wasn't shared here. :'(

The nature of this show is predictable. It's MOTW, the monster(s) will be defeat at the end and the good people (Nick) always win at the end. Which is what make this show great. Smile

Why I love this episode:

* The father and son were not killed by the Verrat
* Trubel behaved rationally (might even be too rationally for a traumatized teenager) - she called Nick after the guy showed her the picture instead of your every day cocky teenager who think they can handle the situation themselves and just took off without a word
* Not being able to get hold of Nick, Trubel decided to go with Josh instead of letting him go off alone (then they'll for sure be killed by the Verrat and who know what would happen to the trunk and the key!)
* Trubel saw the trunk including the sword with blood and all and not even phased. Big Grin
* Trubel called Nick again the first chance she got
* Trubel stayed with the car as instructed until Nick and Hank got there
* Nick honestly telling Trubel about Grimm history and the crusaders (one of the BEST feature of this show is they don't try to hide anything from anyone. Everybody who are in the loop are In. The. Loop. Maybe too much in the loop. I feel that in any other show, Monroe and Rosaly knowing about the key, and stashing them at their place, will only put them in danger)
* The fight scene, of course
* The last scene when Josh said "or maybe all of you are crazy" and everybody looked up was hella funny.
* Have I mentioned that father and son were not killed by the Verrat? Smile

I really thought Josh would just say "thanks but no thanks" when Nick offer to clue him in on the whole thing. He seems the sort who'd just really want to turn over the page and move on with his life. Maybe it's also important for him to understand why his dad was so fixated on finding Nick instead of going to the hospital in his last days. For closure.

I would love for Trubel to stay on as a regular character, Josh is optional. Two Grimms are probably enough for the time being. Smile
I liked the episode. Yes there were a few quirks I guess, but overall I liked it. I am so glad that the key story is being introduced again, that the Adalind story is moving along and surprising me along the way, and that things are picking up for everyone.
I hated this episode for one reason - Adalinde. In fact, despite having watched every episode to-date, including the pilot on opening night, I cannot continue as long as Adalinde remains on the show. There is nothing worse than a character like Adalinde that feels entitled for people to help her, won't leave people alone, and acts irrationally. She was worse than Juliette was last season, which also made me nearly walk away until they made her character bearable again.

Also, I could not care less about Monroe and Rosalee's wedding. It receives way too much screen time.

I only care about Nick and his Grimm ancestry. Explore that and that only. Go more into what the Royal family even is, how they got their power, how the Grimms fit into everything. Are there other Grimms out there that know of the ancestry and have their own books? We found a pretty weak one this past episode who died besides.

After 3 seasons, I am really tired of the still so many unanswered questions. I just can't help but feel that the writers are making this up as they go along instead of having mapped out the entire mythology before the show began. They already ret-conned that non-Grimm can see Wesen if the Wesen choose to be seen. They also ret-conned how Wesen can tell if someone is a Grimm - like Monroe and Rosalee would have taken 3 years to tell Nick that bit of information.

Anyway, I will not watch another episode until Adalind is written off the show. As my username says, she ruins the show utterly.
(05-10-2014, 02:05 PM)grimmfreak Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-10-2014, 05:15 AM)GrimminFlorida1 Wrote: [ -> ]I thought last nights show was pretty good. I've always thought Adalind has a weird crush on Nick. Something tells me she's trying to control his mind to murder Renard[watch out capt.].
I think she's trying to switch forms with Nick.
Spoiler :
in the preview for finale we see everyone except Nick looking all shocked when someone comes in from the other room. That's probably Nick coming in changed into Adalind... Also when we saw Renard in another preview apparently being shot the look on his face was one of utter surprise

That would be utterly insane. This. Must. Happen. Plus, who could resist the terrible awkwardness that would be Hank when his partner's consciousness is inhabiting the soul of the woman he dated? Uncomfortableness for everyone! Oh, and Evil Adalind-as-Nick would be fun to watch too. But then there's the question of powers ... Who keeps what? Would Adalind (as Nick) have Grimm abilities? Would Nick (as Adalind) be able to do all manner of witchy stuff? Inquiring minds want to know.

I can see it happening, however. Bam:
Spoiler :
Renard is shot but -- surprise -- Nick (actually Adalind) did it. Adalind and Nick switch bodies back, and then Nick is on the run.
As usual, I really liked this episode. But geez, three Grimms in town, it was like a convention. And Josh was getting on my last nerve with that irritating whining about everything his dad wanted to do. He's probably a nice enough Kehrseite under normal conditions, but I've developed a bit of a prejudice against him - may be he'll appeal to me more next week. Looks like he'll be bunking at N and J's place, too; they're going to need a bigger house if this keeps up.

Someone mentioned that it seemed incongruous that Hank won the fight with the Veratt. But he's a big strong guy and it was natural to me that he gave a good accounting of himself. Hank ain't afraid of no stinkin' Hundjager. Tongue

Well, Sean and Adalind got together again, he never learns. Ol' Captain 'Who turned out the Lights' got himself knocked out by his lady love; their idea of courtship, I guess. I don't remember ever seeing Adalind move things kinetically before the pregnancy. Always thought the baby was doing that, but evidently it's not necessarily so.

For people who should know their value, the gang was pretty much bulldozing through those important artifacts in trying to find the key. Boy, if they could send an infiltrator into the midst of that crew in the castle, maybe our spy could get a look at the map formed by those four other keys, then we'd be almost home free. How about it, Trubel? She's really too young and reckless now, but someone may have to considered for the assignment down the line.

Here we go again, Adalind's getting at Nick through Juliette. Can't wait for next week.

I was wondering if that compass rose we see on Nick's key is usually found in the upper left of the maps of that period (maybe Monroe's great-great-grandfather's maps could be of help in determining this); if so, maybe Nick's map shows the starting point. Guess it wouldn't be much help, though, because the areas identified are so vague.
(05-10-2014, 02:05 PM)grimmfreak Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-10-2014, 05:15 AM)GrimminFlorida1 Wrote: [ -> ]I thought last nights show was pretty good. I've always thought Adalind has a weird crush on Nick. Something tells me she's trying to control his mind to murder Renard[watch out capt.].
I think she's trying to switch forms with Nick.
Spoiler :
in the preview for finale we see everyone except Nick looking all shocked when someone comes in from the other room. That's probably Nick coming in changed into Adalind... Also when we saw Renard in another preview apparently being shot the look on his face was one of utter surprise

I believe the Grimm writers are trying to trick us. Re-watching the preview it seems as if the Capt. is walking out of Nick's house with the blood already on his clothes. Maybe he murders Adalind or something?

Speakeasy, Josh is pretty thick for not believing his father after everything that just occured. How many elderly guys could pull out a sword and ram it into someone much younger than them that quickly and none the less a vessen creature?

Truble gets better each week. I do think she spoke a little quite during this episode though, but she's just starting out.
(05-11-2014, 05:32 AM)GrimminFlorida1 Wrote: [ -> ]How many elderly guys could pull out a sword and ram it into someone much younger than them that quickly and none the less a vessen creature?

Let alone straight through their spine, long ways through the up-and-down, not between two vertebra. He really wanted that Hundjager dead Smile

Also, I continue to believe they should just tell Adalind the truth about her baby. She knows Kelly and it seems like she trusts her with Diana. I think it'd be easier to convince her to accept that Diana is safer with Kelly, for the time being, than to try and corral her (and all her Hexy powers) when she's clearly hell-bent on going after Viktor, and apparently is going to take out Nick and Sean along the way...

I'm glad they're not playing Trubel up for the misfit runaway sterotype. She's more interesting as the "apprentice Grimm" than as another irrational wildcard that the writers use to create situations - seems like they've learned their lesson on that since the Coma Juliette saga. Wish they'd just start calling her Teresa though Tongue

I think they should have pushed the wedding back to next season. It seems like they've tried to fill too many story arcs into the second half of this one, and I think we could have used a little more development of that one, especially Monroe's family and that aspect of Wesen culture, if they weren't going to be too ham-handed with it (which they were up to now). Is Trubel invited to the wedding? That seems like asking for Trubel, literally and figuratively...

I get the feeling, just random thought, that in the end, Trubel is going to end up with Kelly, once the Adalind-Viktor-Diana situation is resolved one way or another, and Kelly will have the chance to raise a child to be a Grimm that she never had with Nick.
(05-11-2014, 10:28 AM)droid327 Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-11-2014, 05:32 AM)GrimminFlorida1 Wrote: [ -> ]How many elderly guys could pull out a sword and ram it into someone much younger than them that quickly and none the less a vessen creature?

Let alone straight through their spine, long ways through the up-and-down, not between two vertebra. He really wanted that Hundjager dead Smile

Also, I continue to believe they should just tell Adalind the truth about her baby. She knows Kelly and it seems like she trusts her with Diana. I think it'd be easier to convince her to accept that Diana is safer with Kelly, for the time being, than to try and corral her (and all her Hexy powers) when she's clearly hell-bent on going after Viktor, and apparently is going to take out Nick and Sean along the way...

I'm glad they're not playing Trubel up for the misfit runaway sterotype. She's more interesting as the "apprentice Grimm" than as another irrational wildcard that the writers use to create situations - seems like they've learned their lesson on that since the Coma Juliette saga. Wish they'd just start calling her Teresa though Tongue

I think they should have pushed the wedding back to next season. It seems like they've tried to fill too many story arcs into the second half of this one, and I think we could have used a little more development of that one, especially Monroe's family and that aspect of Wesen culture, if they weren't going to be too ham-handed with it (which they were up to now). Is Trubel invited to the wedding? That seems like asking for Trubel, literally and figuratively...

I get the feeling, just random thought, that in the end, Trubel is going to end up with Kelly, once the Adalind-Viktor-Diana situation is resolved one way or another, and Kelly will have the chance to raise a child to be a Grimm that she never had with Nick.

I think telling Adalind the truth could help in two ways.

1. She may understand and hopefully Kelly returns with her baby and she can see her again.

2. Adalind gets really mad and goes after Kelly getting herself killed in the end[ sad, but we know this would happen].

I think the longer Truble is on the show she'll brighten up. She's had a hard life and it wouldn't be easy getting use to a normal life right away.
I enjoyed this episode myself. I think the character of Truble is shaping up to be a great 'apprentice grimm' type. I don't think that Josh is going to stick around. He seems to be someone who just wants to go home and get on with his life.

From the written finale synopsis that has been posted I think Adaline's plan is going to blow up in her face, like pretty much everything else she has tried to pull. You are the lousiest wicked witch ever, girl!! Tongue
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