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Yea I am really into the show. So I am asking someone who is less of a watcher. Does they fact that Wu still find the strange, strange while everyone one else is, well another day at the office. Yes Hank is the only one that is not part of the strange. But Wu reaction to the idea of Juliette being brought back from the dead is priceless.

Funny thing in season one I would have been just like Wu. But they have gone so far, even the idea of resurrection doesn't phase me.

Thanks Wu for reminding us this is not normal. Rising from the grave and taking out 20 wesen in less then a minute. That needs to register pretty high on the weird meter. Even Monroe and Rosalee are more concerned on how then on she returned.
But in their defense, like Rosalee said hope it is not another Ripper party.

That is the thing with this show or any show like this you start off and what you find weird and exciting is based on what you know. But as the show keeps up'ing the ante going for a bigger and better shock. You start to become numb.