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Wine & Lasagna (Juliette/Henrietta Fanfic) - Printable Version

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RE: Wine & Lasagna (Juliette/Henrietta Fanfic) - irukandji - 08-22-2017

(08-21-2017, 07:43 PM)thecdn Wrote: @Hexenadler Can you honestly not see the problem some of us have with this version of Nick you have put forward? No one is asking for the Neanderthal Nick you are proposing here, just a Nick who would want to be an equal in a relationship, not a submissive in some dominatrix fantasy.

Insulting people won't change how they view your writings. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Just let it go.

I haven't read the story so I cannot comment on it, but this post gave me pause for thought. Not so long ago, there was a discussion about Nick's pairing off with the masquerading Adalind, and no doubt there were some wild goings on that afternoon. In Nick's mind, it was probably the greatest sex he ever had, and as a one time thing, he'll never have it again. I don't see Adalind as a submissive little squint, but the one who took charge, at least that's what I got from her actions prior to the big event. Just from my view of him, I don't believe he'd really mind his partner taking charge every now and then.

RE: Wine & Lasagna (Juliette/Henrietta Fanfic) - thecdn - 08-22-2017

(08-22-2017, 04:20 AM)irukandji Wrote: I don't see Adalind as a submissive little squint, but the one who took charge, at least that's what I got from her actions prior to the big event. Just from my view of him, I don't believe he'd really mind his partner taking charge every now and then.

Of course Adalind isn't a submissive person and what guy wouldn't want an agressive Adalind in the bedroom? ............. Oh, sorry, zoned out for a minute there Big Grin

But that would be a normal occurrence in a healthy relationship - give and take, what do you feel like, this is what I want to do now, etc. The relationship depicted here between Nick and Juliette is anything but healthy and normal.

RE: Wine & Lasagna (Juliette/Henrietta Fanfic) - irukandji - 08-22-2017

(08-22-2017, 05:25 AM)thecdn Wrote:
(08-22-2017, 04:20 AM)irukandji Wrote: I don't see Adalind as a submissive little squint, but the one who took charge, at least that's what I got from her actions prior to the big event. Just from my view of him, I don't believe he'd really mind his partner taking charge every now and then.

Of course Adalind isn't a submissive person and what guy wouldn't want an agressive Adalind in the bedroom? ............. Oh, sorry, zoned out for a minute there Big Grin

But that would be a normal occurrence in a healthy relationship - give and take, what do you feel like, this is what I want to do now, etc. The relationship depicted here between Nick and Juliette is anything but healthy and normal.

But is Nick really a normal, healthy guy? I keep thinking about what he does for a living, being the grimm and all. It doesn't really seem all that normal and judging from the episodes we've seen, it's not all that healthy either.

RE: Wine & Lasagna (Juliette/Henrietta Fanfic) - Hexenadler - 09-09-2017

On a side note, here's a few more of dicappatore's "manly men" at work.

RE: Wine & Lasagna (Juliette/Henrietta Fanfic) - FaceInTheCrowd - 09-09-2017

The biggest issue I see with this story is that neither Juliette nor Nick behave anything like the series continuity. If Juliette's personality was hexenbiest-asized, she'd do what hexenbiests do, which is glom onto the most powerful male she can find and become very loyal to that man That's not a huge problem for the story, because she could just attach herself to Renard and he could ask her to crush Nick for him. That's assuming that Renard decided that having a hexenbiest was worth more than having a grimm. The big problem is Nick. We already know how Nick would react to a hostile Juliette because he already did it; he packed a bag and left for the safe harbor of Monroe's attic. And if all of that happened and Adalind didn't show up looking for Nick's protection, he'd probably be out of Portland before too long.

RE: Wine & Lasagna (Juliette/Henrietta Fanfic) - dicappatore - 09-09-2017

(09-09-2017, 02:16 PM)Hexenadler Wrote: On a side note, here's a few more of dicappatore's "manly men" at work.

Gees, did you miss the boat. If you think having a pair of balls equates to being a criminal, what can I say? Therapy lots and lots of therapy on your part, just in case you are confused! Then to top it off, you are quoting an article from one of the leader of fake news in the world, the “Huffington Puffington Post”. Whose publisher was a conservative that couldn’t make any money until she hooked up with a money trail that traces back to George Soros and somehow morphs into a bleading heart liberal. She must have inhaled some of them fumes from that Hex Hat!

Yea, George Soros, an international criminal who’s known to take down markets while he makes billions of betting against them on the world stock market. Yea, George Soros, he is an investor who trades in short derivatives that makes our Wall Street crooks look like Boy Scouts.

Here is a few more facts your article neglects to mention. An hour or more north of Philadelphia, where I live. We can legally own, with a federal FFL Class 3 License, real assault weapons. Not what the fake news reports like AR-15, which are NOT assault weapons, since they are SEMI-AUTOMATIC. But the real assault ones, such as an M-16, M-4, Thompson M-28, BAR, MG42, including SILENCERS, GRENADE LAUNCHERS, FLAME THROWERS and BAZOOKAS. And I don’t mean deactivated ones but real OPERATIONAL LIVE ONES. What is our murder rate, You Ask? Our murder rate is, is low, around 1 murder per 8 to 10 years.

And here is the shocker Hex. The four towns that make up the school district my kids attended and still as of this posting, have NO POLICE DEPARTMENTS. If there is an auto accident, the volunteer fireman will be on the scene before the State Troopers show up. If we need to report a car theft of break-in, we call our state Troopers. Go figure that one out. I wonder if your “Huffington Puffington Post” will ever publish those facts.

Hex, see if you are capable to comprehend this original quote that I have authored.
“I own 22 rifles and shotguns plus 7 or 8 handguns. Yet, the Kennedy’s, have killed or are responsible for the deaths of more people that I have, or will ever be responsible for”!

RE: Wine & Lasagna (Juliette/Henrietta Fanfic) - wesen - 09-14-2017

Well this got interesting real fast. Read the story, found it hilarious. It's too comical to be taken seriously.