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RE: Adalind's apology - izzy - 02-24-2017

(02-24-2017, 03:39 PM)speakeasy Wrote: Very astute counterpoint, izzy. You'd make a very successful lawyer.

I am a loser, Law school dropout.

(02-24-2017, 03:39 PM)speakeasy Wrote: Just want to add to the record that there may be few dauntless souls who wouldn't be shaken by the specter of a person changing into an animal directly in front of them. My response would be to try to kill the thing (or flee the scene) and ask questions later. Smile

I note the smiley face. But for clarity what do you think would be your innate reaction? I am just curious.

RE: Adalind's apology - irukandji - 02-24-2017

(02-24-2017, 03:39 PM)speakeasy Wrote: Very astute counterpoint, izzy. You'd make a very successful lawyer. Just want to add to the record that there may be few dauntless souls who wouldn't be shaken by the specter of a person changing into an animal directly in front of them. My response would be to try to kill the thing (or flee the scene) and ask questions later. Smile

A question here. If a wesen kills while woged, is the wesen considered an animal?

RE: Adalind's apology - FaceInTheCrowd - 02-24-2017

There'd be people shooting anyone on the street whose beard looked the slightest bit scruffy and claiming they were attacked by a woged wesen.

RE: Adalind's apology - speakeasy - 02-24-2017

(02-24-2017, 04:27 PM)izzy Wrote:
(02-24-2017, 03:39 PM)speakeasy Wrote: Very astute counterpoint, izzy. You'd make a very successful lawyer.

I am a loser, Law school dropout.

(02-24-2017, 03:39 PM)speakeasy Wrote: Just want to add to the record that there may be few dauntless souls who wouldn't be shaken by the specter of a person changing into an animal directly in front of them. My response would be to try to kill the thing (or flee the scene) and ask questions later. Smile

I note the smiley face. But for clarity what do you think would be your innate reaction? I am just curious.

That was the legal profession's loss, imo. If I were confronted by a person woging I truly believe I would be scared beyond description. The abstract thinking part of my brain would evaporate and I would revert to my most basic instincts and be so scared. I don't even think I could handle a beautiful animal face like Rosalee's or a kinda sweet countenance like Bud's. Bloody coward.

RE: Adalind's apology - izzy - 02-24-2017

(02-24-2017, 04:00 PM)FaceInTheCrowd Wrote: There is presently a pending bill in the New Mexico state senate to ban public institutions from using taxpayer funds to attempt to hunt or capture Bigfoot.

Recently someone in the new federal administration argued that schools in rural areas need to keep guns on hand in case of grizzly bears.

Poaching of endangered primates is a huge problem in Africa.

We already try to eradicate out of malice without wesen:

Just a few comments, on the Grizzly bear thing, that is one of the more intelligent ideas I have heard, same with black bears in designated areas. This is a low probability event, but if you have ever been on the wrong side of a determined bear or a cougar you can appreciate the sentiment.

I don't believe the endangered species poaching is a hatred or irrational based thing as much as it is driven by economics.

As for hate crimes, I cringe at the idea and term. And I would like to analyze the FBI data, but I suspect in terms of population growth and homogeneity that one would find such backlashes have grown somewhat muted over time. But that is speculation on my part.

As always I appreciate the polite discourse.

Kindest regards,

RE: Adalind's apology - speakeasy - 02-24-2017

(02-24-2017, 04:37 PM)irukandji Wrote:
(02-24-2017, 03:39 PM)speakeasy Wrote: Very astute counterpoint, izzy. You'd make a very successful lawyer. Just want to add to the record that there may be few dauntless souls who wouldn't be shaken by the specter of a person changing into an animal directly in front of them. My response would be to try to kill the thing (or flee the scene) and ask questions later. Smile

A question here. If a wesen kills while woged, is the wesen considered an animal?

Seems like that wesen would be judged by its own Wesen Council as an animal because it would be an entity capable of presenting in two living forms. But killed in its animal state. Just speculating, but it's a question worthy of philosophical debate, let's get some other opinions.

But in the legal world of Grimm, I think it would be charged as a human because the existence of Wesen are unknown.

I'm going to challenge you to answer that question, based on what we know of the Grimm reality, which would you choose?

RE: Adalind's apology - FaceInTheCrowd - 02-24-2017

(02-24-2017, 04:48 PM)speakeasy Wrote: If I were confronted by a person woging I truly believe I would be scared beyond description. The abstract thinking part of my brain would evaporate and I would revert to my most basic instincts and be so scared. I don't even think I could handle a beautiful animal face like Rosalee's or a kinda sweet countenance like Bud's. Bloody coward.

Considering that there are some people who respond with terror and/or violence to the sight of a human with a beard and a turban, there'd be s lot of people doing a lot worse than what you think you'd be like.

I think there'd be a wide range of reactions to wesen woges, especially if someone took the time to prepare people before they saw their first.

RE: Adalind's apology - syscrash - 02-24-2017

Quote:I guess I would say that is Monroe's opinions probably based on centuries of folklore. The U.S. is a very accommodating place these days(some would argue to the point of of cultural suicide). I do not recall an instances of people firing up the 4 wheel drive vehicles and hunting BigFoot after numerous sightings, some purporting violent type of encounters, same with the Loch Ness Monster or any other fantastic creatures purported to exist. Nor do I recall people being driven to the brink of insanity. More over a lot off humanoid creatures existed that were not hunted or eradicated out of malice (general great apes).

My point is, this may suit the storyllne but it hardly seems to reflect modern society. Overnight the ACLU would be representing wesen (and perhaps all ACLU lawyers are wesen anyways).

Ask someone that is of a minority and you might get a different opinion. Might you ask the people in the last few weeks that have had their mosque burned about tolerance. You say we don't hunt. Ask the Sikhs that are constantly attacked because people think they are Muslim. I am sure you have heard of the term gay bashing. Lets not forget the lynching and the interment camps.
Lets talk about the travel ban from Muslim country that has been struck down as a violation of civil rights.

We like to project that we are enlightened and tolerant. Even the constitution say all men are created equal. If you are a minority you face the hypocrisy every day. Izzy your statement sounds exactly like the people who say because of Obama racism is over.

RE: Adalind's apology - speakeasy - 02-24-2017

(02-24-2017, 05:00 PM)FaceInTheCrowd Wrote: I think there'd be a wide range of reactions to wesen woges, especially if someone took the time to prepare people before they saw their first.

Agree completely. If there were an explanation of what one might encounter, then that's a separate scenario; hopefully I would be more sane in my reaction. This scardy-cat makes no promises, however. Big Grin

RE: Adalind's apology - syscrash - 02-24-2017

From what we have seen, as long as wesen confine their activities to the wesen community then it is survival of the fittest. When it comes to kehrseite hunting and defending against them the wesen council finds that acceptable. When wesen use their abilities to intimidate kehrseite the council gets involved. It seems they are more concerned about exposure then they are about the welfare of the kehrseites.

Take the episode iron hann. they where not concerned about the wesen council. They where concerned about the problem of dead bodies.
You then have the case of the fortune tellers. they used the woge for intimidation the wesen council went after them. You had the circus they woged but was Ok because no one would believe it was real. The same with the preacher again no risk of exposure.